miércoles, 29 de abril de 2020

I’m Carolina Guerrero and I am 22 years old. I was born on August 7th in Santiago de chile. I’m only daughter and live with my mom and Oris, our dog.
I studied all my school years in the same institute called Leonardo Da Vinci located in Isla de Maipo, Talagante. My mom work there, is chemistry and Physics ‘s teacher, and, Yes!, she did do class to me. I never had specially feeling for the school, but i had many happy moments whit my friend’s group, Friends I keeping to today
On 2016 I studied occupational therapy at USACH, but in 2017 I decided I didn’t want study this and I go out. Half of that year only enjoyed my free time. On 2018 I began to study industrial design at Universrity of chile, and I continuous to today.

I really like pass my free time whith Friends and go to the partys, or go some naturals place in Talagante. It’s something new and really love stay in the nature and go to the hills, I want to travel and see many diferents landscapes. I like watch netflix and anime. I read diferente types of book and often do crafts.

Wht did you choose your study program?  I pased for to many options of major when I was in the school. I don't remember all but remember...