viernes, 31 de julio de 2020

Option 1 or 2- I decide talk about option 2

I try to think in a designer that  I admire but I don't have anyone on mind. I don't considere me involved  on the design world.I don't know nothing about this yet.

I decided talk about a recurrent page that I visit to see pictures than inspire me for do some works for university or own.

Pinterest is a web site to up and see many diferent pictures. Some one are illustration, photos of people or object, clothes, design nails and almost everything that you can imagine.

The best of this plataform is the option where you can save this pictures for see more later and automatically the programme will recomend you similar pictures and you don’t  need to download them.

I like Pinterest because I can search inspiration for create my own things. The other day I was looking how to do a toys for children with crochet and I found too many beautiful options to this. The same it happens when you search pictures about furniture, interior desing, make up and tattos, for example.You can found short tutorials to do manual things too.

Now I visit Pinterest less often because I don't need to use for university, but of all way I don't visit less than one time a week.

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Wht did you choose your study program?  I pased for to many options of major when I was in the school. I don't remember all but remember...